Tuesday, October 7, 2014


I was recently asked why I joined Jamberry. Until then I had never really put my reasons into words. I thought I would share my story with all of you.
My WHY is simple ... My 5 kids & Hubby. We were losing our home & I was having trouble finding work. A full time mom for 10+ years is not a good job candidate. I was looking for a way to help my family. I then met Ashley and started on my road to Jamberry.
It was not easy getting started for me. I had to borrow the money to get my kit. The hardest part was getting over my own fear of failure. But I took the first step & joined.
I'm proud to say, I was able to pay back the money I borrowed with my earnings within my first month. I'm now in my third month and have earned more than enough to pay for a kit several times over. I am proud to be able to help support my family. I'm proud of Jamberry & the supportive ladies I work with. I have never seen such teamwork or support in my life.
Now is my turn to ask a question ... What is holding you back from going for your dreams? The hardest part is taking the first step. I know you can do it & I would be honored to help you!


xOx, Jill

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